Frankonian Hiking Weekend

Register until 04.07.2024 to join our hiking weekend in the beautiful Frankonian Switzerland! 🥾🌲🍻

Register now to join the hiking weekend!

Hey IAESTE enthusiasts,

we, the LC Bayreuth, invite you to spend the weekend of 19.07.24 – 21.07.24 with us in the beautiful Frankonian Switzerland (in Germany , close to Nuremberg – not in Switzerland!). The plan is to hike in nature and enjoy some traditional, regional beer on the way. 🥾🌲🍻

The deadline for registration is 04.07.2024. There are only 20 spots available. First comes, first serves. We confirm your registration per email and will ask you to transfer the registration fee then. If you don’t transfer the registration fee in time, we may pass on your spot to people on the waiting list.

The registration fee for interns and active IAESTE members within Regio Süd (Augsburg, Bayreuth, Erlangen, Freiburg, Freising, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe, Konstanz, München, Passau, Regensburg, Stuttgart) is 40€ and for all others it is 50€. The fee includes 2 overnight stays, dinner on Friday + Saturday, breakfast on Saturday + Sunday, lunch on Saturday and some drinks.

You can find more detailed information and register here:

We’re looking forward to spending an amazing weekend with you!


LC Bayreuth

If you have any questions, please contact

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

17. bis 21. Juli 2024

Frankonian Switzerland
Veranstalter: IAESTE LC Bayreuth